Open, Confident, Systems Focused

“The BCNPA, which formed in 2005, is a non-profit, volunteer-run, professional organization that supports and advances the professional interests of BC’s newest healthcare provider – Nurse Practitioners (NP’s). The goal of the organization is to enable NPs to provide accessible, efficient and effective healthcare that meets the highest standards of practice across the NP practice.
As a new non-profit professional association the executive faced the realities moving a small collection of interested NP’s toward the structured world of professional associations. Without any experience in running a professional organization, the executive sought the assistance of a professional, namely Debbie Chow.
Debbie spent time, learning and understanding the clinical world of NP practice and the political world NP’s are striving to fit into; and brought the public’s perspective into our organization. She was instrumental in assisting with the organization of our committee structure and our overall communication and public relations plan; and provided meeting facilitation that proved to be key as we tackled several significant member issues. Her open, confident, very “systems” focused approach to challenges has helped our organization move into the mainstream healthcare arena.”

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