How Can I Help You?

Regardless of the size and severity of the issue, I will work directly with you and your team to produce the best solution for your situation. We’ll also work together to build internal capacity so you can sustain those results long after the project is done.

Tier 1:
The Communication Problem

“We don’t have a communication strategy in place.”

“We do a lot of ad hoc communication, and we’re exhausted from fighting the fires.”

“We’re not sure how our communication activities should link to our business/project.”

Recommendation: Communication Strategy Development & Planning

  • Set the strategic direction for your project’s or organization’s communication function or process
  • Develop communication strategies, plans policies, processes, and procedures for your project or organization
  • Streamline your project’s communication function
  • Provide advice and communication coaching to your leadership teams

Tier 2:
The Communication Problem

“We have a communication plan, but we keep hearing we don’t ‘communicate enough’.”

“We don’t have the resources to implement the communication activities we need.”

Recommendation: Development & Implementation of Communication Tools

  • Audit your existing communication activities
  • Create, plan, design, and implement specific communication tools and programs that are strategically positioned within your existing plan
  • Research and implement pre-existing plans and strategies to help get your communication off the ground

Tier 3:
The Communication Problem

“We need help executing an event or facilitating a meeting.”

“We need a writer.”

“We need help sustaining the communication tools we have in place.”

Recommendation: Communication Support Services

  • Develop content and messaging for newsletters, web-based tools, program notices, brochures, direct mail, press releases, presentations, and other collateral
  • Event management and meeting facilitation
  • Monitoring and measuring of existing communication tools