Some of the Organizations I’ve Worked With

Alcan Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC)
BC Hydro Lionsview Seniors Planning Society
BC Housing Ministry of Health eHealth Initiative
BC Organizational Development Network (BCODN) Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)
BC Nurse Practitioners Association (BCNPA) Retirement Concepts
Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Canada The Vancouver Aquarium
Fraser Health Authority (FHA) Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH)


Success Stories:
The Client Says it Best


Results-Oriented…Innovative Solutions

“Debbie is results-oriented, and provides innovative solutions that helped us meet our business objectives. She also stays updated on the latest communication ideas, and instills creativity when developing solutions to help solve our communication problems. During the project, she asked all the right questions to ensure that our business and audience needs, budget considerations, and goals of our corporate initiatives aligned. I could always count on her to meet the commitments of her project plan, produce a professional product, and keep me informed on pertinent issues before they arose.”

Ramona Barron, Former Manager of Human Resources, Engineering, BC Hydro

Strength in Implementation and Follow-up

“Debbie’s time was spent on internal communications and she supported her peers in external communications tasks. She was key in merging two internal newsletters into a strategic employee publication. She revised the overall format, applied a measurable strategy, and circulated the publication to all employees on a timely basis. The electronic survey she created to measure Information Update came back with a 65% response rate from our readers – the highest employee response rate to date to a newsletter survey. Because of her internal communications background and strength in implementation and follow-up, Information Update quickly gained credibility and a readership of between 60-75% of the employee population.”

Susan Thom, Director of Corporate Communications, BC Housing

Ready for a New Challenge

“Whether organizing an event, booking a program, educating the public, or cleaning a beach, Debbie is a pleasure to work with. She asked questions when necessary, took a leadership role when needed, and was always ready for a new challenge.”

Leslie Leader, Former Acting Director of Education and Community Programs, Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre

Invaluable to My Project Team

“Debbie was recommended by my BC Hydro peers as a communications resource who would contribute significantly to the change management for the Portal Project — a very large corporate information replacement project.
Her involvement on the project resulted in some significant ‘firsts’ for BC Hydro — building communication, consultation, and involvement plans for the various phases of the project; a project e-newsletter and website using content management software; a corporately recognized project brand.
The complexity of the system changes required extensive communications in a variety of media to ensure a successful implementation of the changes to our everyday-working environment. She certainly proved to be invaluable to my project team.”

Hall Broadhurst, Project Manager, BC Hydro

A Consummate Professional

“Debbie supported the BC OD Network as our Communications Specialist during my board tenure of 2007 and 2008. A consummate professional, Debbie took concepts and ideas and turned out great newsletters, email blasts and web content that met tight deadlines and delighted our Board and members alike. In addition to her results orientation, Debbie was worked exceptionally well with our team and I look forward to an opportunity to work with her again soon.”

Lisa Ryan, President, BC Organization Development Network (BCODN)

Open, Confident, Systems Focused

“The BCNPA, which formed in 2005, is a non-profit, volunteer-run, professional organization that supports and advances the professional interests of BC’s newest healthcare provider – Nurse Practitioners (NP’s). The goal of the organization is to enable NPs to provide accessible, efficient and effective healthcare that meets the highest standards of practice across the NP practice.
As a new non-profit professional association the executive faced the realities moving a small collection of interested NP’s toward the structured world of professional associations. Without any experience in running a professional organization, the executive sought the assistance of a professional, namely Debbie Chow.
Debbie spent time, learning and understanding the clinical world of NP practice and the political world NP’s are striving to fit into; and brought the public’s perspective into our organization. She was instrumental in assisting with the organization of our committee structure and our overall communication and public relations plan; and provided meeting facilitation that proved to be key as we tackled several significant member issues. Her open, confident, very “systems” focused approach to challenges has helped our organization move into the mainstream healthcare arena.”

Lorine Scott, Nurse Practitioner and Past President, BC Nurse Practitioner Association (BCNPA)

Positive and Thoughtful Counsel

“Debbie’s unique insight into the issues facing our fledgling organization informed the strategic guidance she provided in helping us navigate the challenges inherent in any new association. Debbie offered positive and thoughtful counsel on internal and public communication strategies, and very skillfully facilitated key forums and meetings as needed throughout the year. Debbie has been an instrumental player in the growth and professionalism of our association structure. Many thanks!”

Kathleen Fyvie,  Nurse Practitioner and President, BC Nurse Practitioner Association (BCNPA)

Effective and Practical

“Debbie took control of a communication plans for an HR business process transformation project. My role was a business process change lead and Debbie provided counsel, guidance and resources in the communications plan during the development and implementation stages. I found her approach effective and practical and appreciated the guidance she provided.”

Mark Adams, Vice President, Calam Holdings Corp.

Always Able to Deliver

“Debbie is a rare find in a communications specialist. She has a thorough understanding of change management and combines that extremely well with her communications skills training. Debbie is also great at setting boundaries with clients and helping them get clear on what it is that they need and want. She is always able to deliver what she commits herself too. Her work is always outstanding and she always goes above and beyond and exceeds expectations. I would and do highly recommend Debbie and trust her judgment and integrity.”

Antonio Gomes, Program Coordinator and OD Consultant, Vancouver Island Health Authority